Van Helsing (2004)
“Van Helsing,” directed by Stephen Sommers and released in 2004, is a thrilling action-adventure film that brings together some of the most iconic monsters in cinematic history. The movie follows Gabriel Van Helsing (played by Hugh Jackman), a legendary monster hunter tasked with vanquishing the supernatural threats that terrorize humanity. His mission leads him to Transylvania, where he must confront Count Dracula (Richard Roxburgh) and his terrifying army of undead creatures.
Alongside Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale), the last surviving member of a family cursed by Dracula, Van Helsing embarks on a dangerous quest to save the world from the evil count’s sinister plans. The film blends gothic horror with high-octane action, featuring breathtaking visual effects, intense battles, and memorable encounters with legendary figures like Frankensteinโs monster, the Wolfman, and more.