Roman Holiday (1953)

This timeless romantic comedy follows Princess Ann (Audrey Hepburn), a young royal overwhelmed by her duties, as she sneaks away from her official tour in Rome to experience the city as an ordinary person. Disguising her identity, she encounters Joe Bradley (Gregory Peck), an American journalist who initially sees her as the scoop of a lifetime but soon finds himself falling for her charm.


As the two explore Rome’s iconic landmarks on a whirlwind adventure, Ann gets a taste of freedom, while Joe grapples with his growing feelings and the moral dilemma of exposing her secret. Directed by William Wyler, Roman Holiday captures the beauty of love, self-discovery, and the bittersweet reality of duty.


Featuring Audrey Hepburn’s Oscar-winning debut and Gregory Peck’s suave performance, this film is a masterclass in classic Hollywood storytelling, filled with humor, heart, and unforgettable moments. Perfect for fans of old-school romance, breathtaking scenery, and stories that linger in your heart.