Death Proof (2007)

Directed by Quentin Tarantino, Death Proof is a gritty and adrenaline-fueled homage to 1970s exploitation films. The story follows Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell), a charming yet psychopathic stunt driver who uses his “death-proof” car to stalk and kill unsuspecting women. Told in two parts, the film begins with Mike targeting a group of young women on a night out, but the tables turn when he encounters a fearless group of stuntwomen determined to fight back.


With its sharp dialogue, intense action sequences, and signature Tarantino flair, Death Proof is a thrilling ride packed with suspense, dark humor, and a killer soundtrack. The high-octane climax and strong female characters make it a standout entry in the grindhouse genre.


In Quentin Tarantino’s adrenaline-fueled homage to grindhouse cinema, Death Proof delivers high-octane thrills, relentless tension, and unforgettable characters. Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell), a mysterious and chillingly charismatic driver, uses his “death-proof” car as a weapon, preying on unsuspecting women. His sinister game takes a deadly turn when he targets a group of fearless, badass women who refuse to go down without a fight.