Dexter (2006)

This groundbreaking crime drama follows Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a seemingly ordinary blood-spatter analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department. But Dexter hides a chilling secret—he’s a vigilante serial killer who targets other killers, following a strict code instilled by his adoptive father to only take the lives of those who deserve it. As he balances his dark urges with his desire to maintain a normal life, Dexter’s world becomes increasingly complex and dangerous.


Known for its compelling storytelling, morally ambiguous protagonist, and suspenseful twists, Dexter explores themes of identity, morality, and the duality of human nature. It remains one of the most iconic and gripping series in modern television history.


A groundbreaking crime drama with a dark twist, “Dexter” follows the life of Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a skilled blood spatter analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department by day—and a meticulous vigilante serial killer by night.