Green Street Hooligans (2005)

Green Street Hooligans (2005) is a gritty drama that delves into the underground world of football (soccer) hooliganism in the UK. Directed by Lexi Alexander, the film follows Matt Buckner (played by Elijah Wood), a journalism student expelled from Harvard after being wrongfully accused of possessing drugs. Seeking refuge in London, Matt stays with his sister and her husband, who introduces him to Pete Dunham (Charlie Hunnam), the leader of the Green Street Elite, a notorious West Ham United firm.


As Matt is drawn into the camaraderie, loyalty, and violent clashes of the football hooligan subculture, he discovers a sense of belonging he never felt before. However, he also grapples with the brutal consequences of the group’s actions, testing his morals and personal identity.


The film explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the darker side of fandom, offering a gripping portrayal of the passion and chaos that fuels football hooliganism. With intense performances and raw storytelling, Green Street Hooligans is both a thought-provoking and adrenaline-pumping experience.