After the Wedding (2006)

After the Wedding (2006) is a Danish drama film directed by Susanne Bier. The film centers around Jacob (Mads Mikkelsen), a Danish man who runs an orphanage in India. He is invited to attend the wedding of a wealthy benefactor, Helena (Rolf Lassgård), in Denmark, where he meets Helena’s wife, Theresa (Sidse Babett Knudsen), and their daughter, Anna (Stine Fischer Christensen). During the wedding, Jacob uncovers a series of surprising and emotional revelations about his past that force him to confront difficult truths about love, family, and sacrifice.


The story explores themes of fate, responsibility, and the complexities of human relationships. After the Wedding is emotionally intense, with a narrative that shifts from personal drama to exploring deeper moral and ethical questions. The film has a subtle, introspective tone that delves into the emotional nuances of its characters, particularly Jacob’s internal conflict and his journey toward understanding the connections between past and present.


The film was well-received by critics and garnered several awards, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Language Film. It was also remade in 2019 as After the Wedding, starring Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams.