American Gangster (2007)
American Gangster (2007) is a gritty crime drama directed by Ridley Scott, based on the real-life story of Frank Lucas, a heroin kingpin in 1970s Harlem. The film stars Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe in powerhouse performances, with a compelling narrative that intertwines law enforcement and organized crime in a tale of ambition, corruption, and justice.
The film follows Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington), an ambitious and ruthless drug lord who rises to power in Harlem during the 1970s. Lucas, who took over after the death of his mentor, traffics heroin by cutting out the middleman and smuggling the drug directly from Southeast Asia. His business flourishes as he becomes one of the most powerful and feared men in the drug trade, known for his intelligence and cold, calculated approach.
On the other side of the law is Detective Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe), a straight-laced cop with a reputation for doing things by the book. Roberts is tasked with investigating the burgeoning drug trade in Harlem and eventually begins to close in on Lucas. The two men, despite operating on opposite sides of the law, are both driven by their desire for power and control—Lucas in the criminal underworld, and Roberts in the pursuit of justice.
American Gangster was well-received by critics and audiences alike. It was praised for its strong performances, especially by Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe, and its compelling story. The film was nominated for two Academy Awards—Best Supporting Actress for Ruby Dee and Best Art Direction. It grossed over $260 million worldwide and has since become regarded as one of the best crime dramas of the 2000s.