Cobra Kai (2018)

Cobra Kai (2018) is a critically acclaimed TV series that serves as a sequel to the iconic Karate Kid films. Developed by Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, and Hayden Schlossberg, the series revitalizes the Karate Kid universe while introducing a new generation of characters, blending nostalgia with fresh storylines. Initially released on YouTube Premium, it later found broader success after moving to Netflix, where it has become one of the platformโ€™s popular shows.

Cobra Kai picks up more than 30 years after the events of the original Karate Kid movie (1984). The show follows Johnny Lawrence (played by William Zabka), who, after hitting rock bottom in life, decides to reopen the Cobra Kai dojo. His decision sparks a series of events that bring him back into conflict with Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio), his rival from the original film.

Johnny, now a down-and-out, struggling alcoholic, tries to redeem himself by teaching a new generation of kids the ways of karateโ€”though with his own, sometimes misguided, version of what it means to be a karate master. Meanwhile, Daniel LaRusso, now a successful car dealership owner, is dealing with personal and professional challenges. His life, which was once guided by Mr. Miyagi’s teachings, is now more complicated as he struggles to balance his success with his past.

If you’re a fan of Karate Kid, Cobra Kai offers a perfect mix of nostalgia and new, engaging content, making it a must-watch for those who loved the original films and newcomers alike!