Gremlins (1984)
Directed by Joe Dante and produced by Steven Spielberg, Gremlins (1984) is a genre-defying classic that blends dark humor, horror, and heartwarming moments into a wildly entertaining package. Set against the backdrop of a snowy Christmas, the film is equal parts creepy and comedic, making it a perennial favorite for fans of unconventional holiday movies.
The story begins when Billy Peltzer (Zach Galligan) receives an unusual and adorable Christmas gift from his father: a mysterious creature called a Mogwai, named Gizmo. Gizmo comes with three simple rules—never expose him to bright light, never let him get wet, and never, under any circumstances, feed him after midnight.
Of course, these rules are broken, leading to the creation of mischievous and malevolent creatures known as Gremlins. The once-quiet town of Kingston Falls descends into chaos as the Gremlins wreak havoc, turning the idyllic holiday season into a nightmare. With the help of his resourceful girlfriend, Kate (Phoebe Cates), Billy must find a way to stop the Gremlins and save the town.