The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)

The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) is a thrilling action-packed film that blends explosive sequences with sharp humor. The story follows Samantha Caine, a seemingly ordinary schoolteacher and suburban mom living in Pennsylvania, who suffers from amnesia with no recollection of her life before eight years ago.


When a freak accident triggers fragments of her lost memories, Samantha discovers that she is actually Charly Baltimore, a highly skilled, deadly government assassin. As her past collides with her present, she is forced to team up with a wisecracking private investigator, Mitch Henessey, to uncover the truth about her identity and the dark conspiracy she left behind.


Directed by Renny Harlin and starring Geena Davis and Samuel L. Jackson, The Long Kiss Goodnight delivers relentless action, razor-sharp dialogue, and a gripping story of self-discovery and redemption. The film remains a standout in the action-thriller genre, celebrated for its dynamic performances and intense pace.