Superman & Lois (2021)

Superman & Lois (2021) is a superhero television series that premiered on The CW. The show is part of the Arrowverse, a shared universe of television series based on DC Comics characters. It follows the iconic DC Comics superhero Superman (Clark Kent) and his wife Lois Lane as they navigate the challenges of parenthood, their careers, and the responsibilities that come with Superman’s dual identity as a superhero. The show was developed by Todd Helbing and Greg Berlanti, who have also been behind other Arrowverse series such as The Flash and Arrow.


The series centers around Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin) and Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch), who are now parents to twin teenage sons, Jonathan (Alex Garfin) and Jordan (Michael Bishop). After the death of Lois’s father, General Sam Lane (Dylan Walsh), Clark and Lois decide to move back to Smallville, Kansas, to raise their children in a quieter setting, away from the chaos of Metropolis. However, even in Smallville, Clark struggles to balance his life as a family man with his duties as Superman.

The series explores the challenges faced by Superman as he tries to be a father and husband while still protecting the world from various threats. These threats include new supervillains, such as the mysterious antagonist Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner), as well as personal challenges related to his sons, who are dealing with their own struggles and growing powers. As the story progresses, Jonathan and Jordan begin to uncover secrets about their father’s true identity, and the family must come together to face both external dangers and the complexities of their own lives.

The show blends superhero action with family drama, making it unique within the superhero genre. It portrays the Kent family as they deal with everyday issues such as teenage rebellion, parent-child dynamics, and the weight of legacy, all while Superman continues to fight for truth and justice.


  • Family & Legacy: The series focuses heavily on the dynamics of the Kent family. Clark and Lois are seen not only as superheroes but as parents, trying to raise their children with values and morals, while also grappling with the enormous responsibility of Superman’s legacy.
  • Identity: Much of the show revolves around the theme of identity, particularly Clark Kent’s struggle to balance his human life with his Kryptonian origins. His sons also begin to question their own identities as they learn about their powers and heritage.
  • Heroism & Sacrifice: While the show features plenty of action and superhero battles, it also delves into the emotional sacrifices that come with being a hero. Clark must often choose between saving the world and being there for his family.
  • Small-town Life vs. Superhero Life: The contrast between Smallville’s peaceful, rural life and the dangerous, chaotic world of superheroes adds an interesting dynamic to the show. Superman is torn between these two worlds, and the show highlights the personal toll that being a superhero can take on his family.


  • Superman/Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin): A familiar face from the Arrowverse, Hoechlin’s portrayal of Superman combines strength, vulnerability, and the struggles of fatherhood. His portrayal is more focused on Clark’s personal life, and the series shows him grappling with the complexities of his dual identity as both a superhero and a father.
  • Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch): A strong, intelligent, and independent character, Lois is depicted as a dedicated journalist, wife, and mother. The series explores her dynamic with Clark as both a professional partner and a loving spouse, as well as her role as a mother trying to guide her sons.
  • Jonathan Kent (Alex Garfin): The more responsible twin son of Clark and Lois. Initially, he doesn’t display the same superpowers as his brother Jordan, which creates tension between them.
  • Jordan Kent (Michael Bishop): The more rebellious of the twins, Jordan begins to show signs of superhuman abilities, making him the focal point of many of the family’s struggles. His journey in understanding and controlling his powers is central to the series.

Superman & Lois was well-received by both fans and critics, particularly for its emotional depth and family-oriented storytelling. The show was praised for taking a different approach to the Superman mythos by focusing on his life as a father and the challenges of raising children while also being a superhero. The dynamic between Clark, Lois, and their sons adds a fresh perspective to the Superman saga, setting it apart from previous iterations of the character.