Secret Window (2004)
In Secret Window (2004), Johnny Depp stars as Mort Rainey, a successful but troubled author who retreats to a secluded lakeside cabin to recover from a bitter divorce. However, his peaceful retreat is disturbed when a mysterious stranger, John Shooter (played by John Turturro), accuses him of plagiarism, claiming that Mort has stolen his story. As the tension between the two escalates, Mortβs once quiet life begins to unravel.
What follows is a twisted tale of deceit, obsession, and psychological manipulation, as Mort tries to prove his innocence while dealing with the disturbing events that unfold around him. The line between reality and illusion blurs, leaving Mortβand the audienceβquestioning who can be trusted.
With its mind-bending plot, intense performances, and unexpected twists, Secret Window keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the shocking final reveal.