A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Released in 1984, A Nightmare on Elm Street revolutionized the horror genre with its haunting premise and iconic villain, Freddy Krueger. Directed by Wes Craven, this supernatural slasher film follows a group of teenagers living on Elm Street, who are being tormented in their dreams by a disfigured figure with a bladed glove, Freddy Krueger (played by Robert Englund).


The teens soon discover that Krueger isn’t just a product of their nightmares—he’s a real force capable of killing them in their sleep. As they struggle to stay awake, they must confront the terrifying truth that Krueger was a vengeful spirit, burned alive by the parents of Elm Street years ago, and now he’s back for revenge.


With the boundaries between dreams and reality blurring, the survivors must face their deepest fears and fight to stay alive as Freddy’s powers grow stronger. Known for its surreal and terrifying dream sequences, A Nightmare on Elm Street became a cultural phenomenon, spawning a long-running franchise and cementing Freddy Krueger as one of horror’s most terrifying and memorable villains.