Furious (2017)
Furious (also known as Legenda o Kolovrate) is a 2017 Russian historical fantasy film inspired by the legendary battle of Russian hero Evpaty Kolovrat. Set in the 13th century, it follows Kolovrat, a fearless warrior, as he defends his homeland from the Mongol invasion led by Batu Khan. After his village is destroyed, Kolovrat gathers a small group of warriors to avenge his people and halt the Mongol forces.
Despite being vastly outnumbered, Kolovrat’s strategic mind and bravery make him a formidable opponent, turning his struggle into a symbol of resilience and courage. The film combines historical drama with epic battle scenes, capturing the spirit of Kolovrat’s legendary stand against overwhelming odds to defend his homeland.
Despite being vastly outnumbered, Kolovrat’s strategic mind and bravery make him a formidable opponent, turning his struggle into a symbol of resilience and courage. The film combines historical drama with epic battle scenes, capturing the spirit of Kolovrat’s legendary stand against overwhelming odds to defend his homeland.